Barrett, M., Vaast, E., Langley A. & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) forthcoming. Organizing Beyond Organizations in the Digital Age, (Vol. 11 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Reinecke, J., Suddaby, R., Langley, A. Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) 2021. Time, Temporality and History in Process Organization Studies, (Vol. 10 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 336 pp.

Reay, T., Zilber, T. Langley, A. & Tsoukas H. (Eds.) 2019. Institutions and Organizations: A process view, (Vol. 9 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 256 pp.

Farjoun, M., Smith, W., Langley, A. & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) 2018. Dualities, dialectics and paradoxes in organizational life, (Vol. 8 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 256 pp.

Sandberg, J., Rouleau, L., Langley, A. (<), & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) 2017. Skillful Performance: Enacting Expertise, Competence, and Capabilities in Organizations, (Vol. 7 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 320 pp.

Howard-Grenville, J., Rerup, C., Langley, A. & Tsoukas, (Eds.). 2016. Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed. (Vol. 6 Perspectives on Process Organization Studies), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 267 pp­.

Garud, R., Simpson, B., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). 2015. The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations. (Vol. 5, Perspectives on Process Organization Studies). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 366 pp.

Cooren, F., Vaara, E., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). 2014. Language and Communcation at Work: Discourse, Narrativity and Organizing (Vol. 4, Perspectives on Process Organization Studies). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 376 pp.

Carlile, P. R., Nicolini, D., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). 2013. How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies. (Vol. 3, Perspectives on Process Organization Studies). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 320 pp.

Schultz, M., Maguire, S., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). 2012. Constructing Identity in and around Organizations. (Vol. 2, Perspectives on Process Organization Studies). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 336 pp.

Autres livres/ Other Books

Lewis, M., Smith, W., Jarzabkowski, P. & Langley, A. (Eds.) 2017. Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox: Approaches to Plurality, Tensions and Contradictions, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 624 pp.

Langley, A. & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.) 2017. SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies, London: Sage Publications, 652 pp. [Prix Roger-Charbonneau, HEC Montréal, 2017]

Johnson, G., Langley, A., Melin, L., & Whittington, R. 2007. Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 244 pp.

Lines, R., Stensaker, I. G., Langley, A., & Denis, J.-L. (Eds.). 2006. New Perspectives on Organizational Change and Learning. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget, 472 pp.


Albertsen, R.R., Ansari, S., Heucher, K., Krautzberger, M., Langley, A., Reinecke, P.C., Slawinski, N., Vaara, E. 2024. Strategizing together for a better world: Institutional, paradox and practice theories in conversation, Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(2): 115–130.

Fachin, F.F. & Langley, A. 2024. Patterning in interactive organizational identity work. Organization Studies, 45(3): 359-383.

Klag, M., & Langley, A. 2023. When everything interacts with everything else: Intervening in messes. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37(1): 37-54.

Empson, L., Langley, A., & Sergi, V. 2023. When everyone and no one is a leader: Constructing individual leadership identities while sustaining an organizational narrative of collective leadership. Organization Studies, 44(2): 201-227.

Omanović, V. & Langley, A. 2023. Assimilation, Integration or Inclusion? A dialectical perspective on the organizational socialization of migrants, Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(1): 76-97.

Kouamé, S., Hafsi, T., Oliver, D., & Langley, A. 2022. Creating and sustaining stakeholder emotional resonance with organizational identity in social mission-driven organizations, Academy of Management Journal, 65(6): 1864-1893.

Gioia D., Corley K., Eisenhardt K., Feldman, M., Langley, A., Lê, J., Golden-Biddle, K., Locke, K., Mees-Buss, J., Piekkari, R., Ravasi, D., Rerup, C., Schmid, T., Silverman, D., & Welch, C., 2022. A Curated Debate: On Using “Templates” in Qualitative Research. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(3): 231-252.

Eldridge, E., Rancourt, M.-E., Langley, A., & Héroux, D. 2022. Expanding Perspectives on the Poverty Trap for Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: The Role of Rural Input Supply Chains. Sustainability, 14(9), published online

Bansal, P., Reinecke, J., Suddaby, R., & Langley, A. 2022. Temporal work: The strategic organization of time. Strategic Organization, 20(1): 6-19.

Brunet, M., Fachin, F. & Langley, A. 2021. Studying projects processually, International Journal of Project Management, 39(8): 834-848.

Langley, A. 2021. What is “this” a case of? Generative theorizing for disruptive times, Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(3): 251-258.

Sergi, V., Lusiani, M. & Langley, A. 2021. Highlighting the Plural: Leading Amidst Romance(s). Journal of Change Management, 21(2): 163-179.

Stensaker, I., Balogun, J. & Langley, A. 2021. The power of the platform: Place and Employee Responses to Organizational Change, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57(2): 174-203.

Langley, A., Meziani, N., Auger, C. 2021. Ces fantômes qui rodent dans l’entreprise, Gestion, 45(4): 34-37.

Comeau-Vallée, M. & Langley, A. 2020. The interplay of inter and intra-professional boundary work in multidisciplinary teams. Organization Studies, 41(12): 1627-1648.

Chreim, S., Langley, A., Reay, T., Comeau-Vallée, M. & Huq, J.-L. 2020. Constructing and sustaining counter-institutional identities. Academy of Management Journal, 63(3): 935-964.

Langley, A. & Meziani, N. 2020. Making Interviews Meaningful, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(3): 370-391.

Gibeau, E., Langley, A., Denis, J.-L. & Van Schendel, N. 2020. Bridging competing demands through co-leadership? Potential and Limitations. Human Relations, 73(4): 464-489.

Cloutier, C. & Langley, A. 2020. What makes a process theoretical contribution? Organization Theory, 1(1), 1-32.

Ravasi, D., Tripsas, M. & Langley, A. 2020. Exploring the strategy-identity nexus, Strategic Organization, 18(1): 5-19.

Lusiani, M. & Langley, A. 2019. The social construction of strategic coherence: Practices of enabling leadership, Long Range Planning, 52(5), 101840.

Langley, A., Lindberg, K., Mørk, B.E., Nicolini, D., Raviola, E. & Walter, L. 2019. Boundary work among groups, occupations and organizations: From cartography to process, Academy of Management Annals, 13(2): 704-736.

Dionne, K.-E., Mailhot, C. & Langley, A. 2019. Modeling the evaluation process in a public controversy, Organization Studies, 40(5): 651-679.

Langley, A. & Klag, M. 2019. Being where? Navigating the involvement paradox in qualitative research accounts. Organizational Research Methods, 22(22): 515-538

Basque, J. & Langley, A. 2018. Invoking Alphonse: The founder figure as a historical resource for organizational identity work, Organization Studies, 39(12): 1685–1708.

Gehman, J., Glaser, V., Eisenhardt, K.M., Gioia, D., Langley, A., & Corley, K. 2018. Finding theory-method fit: A comparison of three qualitative approaches to theory building, Journal of Management Inquiry, 27(3): 284-300.

Kouamé, S. & Langley, A. 2018. Relating microprocesses to macro-outcomes in qualitative strategy process and practice research, Strategic Management Journal, 39(3): 559–581.

Cloutier, C. & Langley, A. 2017. Negotiating the moral aspects of purpose in single and cross sector collaborations. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(1): 103-131.

Kisfalvi, V., Sergi, V. & Langley, A. 2016. Mastering and mobilizing microdynamics to achieve behavioral integration in top management teams, Long Range Planning, 49(4): 427-446.

Bucher, S. & Langley, A. 2016. The interplay of reflective and experimental spaces in interrupting and reorienting routine dynamics, Organization Science, 27(3): 594-613.

Cloutier, C., Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Lamothe, L. 2016. Agency at the managerial interface: Public sector reform as institutional work. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(2): 259-276.

Bucher, S., Chreim, S., Langley, A., Reay, T. 2016. Contestation about collaboration: Discursive boundary work among professions, Organization Studies, 37(4): 497-522.

Mailhot, C., Gagnon, S., Langley, A. & Binette, L.-F. 2016. Distributing leadership across people and objects in a collaborative research project. Leadership, 12(1): 53-85.

Klag, M. & Langley, A. 2014. Critical junctures in strategic planning: Understanding failure to enable success, Organizational Dynamics. 43(4): 274-283.

Gibeau, E.*, Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., Pomey, M.-P. & Van Schendel, N. 2014. Lorsque les médecins deviennent gestionnaires, Gestion, 39(3) : 63-73.

Abdallah, C., & Langley, A. 2014. The double edge of ambiguity in strategic planning. Journal of Management Studies, 51(2): 235-264.

Cloutier C. & Langley, A. 2013. L’écriture en équipe: une double perspective, Revue internationale PME, 26(3-4): 7-12.

Guérard, S., Langley, A. & Seidl, D. 2013. Rethinking the concept of performance in strategy research: Towards a performativity perspective, M@n@gement, 16(5): 566-578.

Cloutier, C., & Langley, A. 2013. The logic of institutional logics: Insights from French pragmatist sociology. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(4): 360-380.

Chreim, S., Langley, A., Comeau-Vallée, M., Huq, J.-L., & Reay, T. 2013. Leadership as boundary work in healthcare teams. Leadership, 9(2): 201-228.

Langley, A., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H., & Van de Ven, A. H. 2013. Process studies of change in organization and management: unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1): 1-13.

Klag, M. & Langley, A. 2013. Approaching the Conceptual Leap in Qualitative Research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(2): 149-166.

Dansou, K. & Langley, A. 2012. Institutional work and the notion of test. M@n@gement, 15(5): 503-527.

Sergi, V., Denis, J. L., & Langley, A. 2012. Opening up perspectives on plural leadership. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(4): 403-407.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Sergi, V. 2012. Leadership in the plural. Academy of Management Annals, 6(1): 211-283.

Langley, A., Golden-Biddle, K., Reay, T., Denis, J.-L., Hébert, Y., Lamothe, L., & Gervais, J. 2012. Identity struggles in merging organizations Renegotiating the sameness–difference dialectic. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 48(2): 135-167, [***JABS 2013 Douglas McGregor Award for the best paper in the journal in 2012].

Klag, M., Giroux, H., Langley, A. 2012. Strategic planning at Saint Francis de Sales Schools, Revue internationale de cas en gestion, 10(2).

Bizzi, L., & Langley, A. 2012. Studying processes in and around networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(2): 224-234. [***Emerald Citation of Excellence, 2015]

Cornut, F., Giroux, H., & Langley, A. 2012. The strategic plan as a genre. Discourse & Communication, 6(1): 21-54.

Fenton, C., & Langley, A. 2011. Strategy as practice and the narrative turn. Organization Studies, 32(9): 1171-1196.

Abdallah, C., Denis, J.-L., & Langley, A. 2011. Having your cake and eating it too: discourses of transcendence and their role in organizational change dynamics. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24(3): 333-348.

Langley, A., & Denis, J.-L. 2011. Beyond evidence: the micropolitics of improvement. BMJ Quality & Safety, 20(Suppl 1): i43-i46.

Denis, J.-L., Dompierre, G., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2011. Escalating indecision: Between reification and strategic ambiguity. Organization Science, 22(1): 225-244.

Stensaker, I. G., & Langley, A. 2010. Change management choices and trajectories in a multidivisional firm. British Journal of Management, 21(1): 7-27.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2010. The practice of leadership in the messy world of organizations. Leadership, 6(1): 67-88.

Denis, J. L., Lamothe, L., Langley, A., & Stéphane, G. 2010. Reforma y gobernanza en salud: el atractivo del gerenciamiento en la acción pública; Governance and health: the rise of the managerialism in public sector reform. Revista de salud pública, 12(supl. 1): 105-122.

Denis, J. L., Lamothe, L., Langley, A., Breton, M., Gervais, J., Trottier, L. H., Contandriopoulos, D., & Dubois, C. A. 2009. The reciprocal dynamics of organizing and sense‐making in the implementation of major public‐sector reforms. Canadian Public Administration, 52(2): 225-248.

Langley, A., & Denis, J.-L. 2008. Les dimensions négligées du changement organisationnel. Téléscope, 14: 13-32.

Guérard, S. & Langley, A.. 2008. Jeux et enjeux dans l’implantation du Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer du sein, Revue internationale de cas en gestion, 6(1).

Langley, A. 2007. Process thinking in strategic organization. Strategic Organization, 5(3): 271-282.

Rodríguez, C., Langley, A., Béland, F., & Denis, J.-L. 2007. Governance, power, and mandated collaboration in an interorganizational network. Administration & Society, 39(2): 150-193.

Denis, J. L., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2007. Strategizing in pluralistic contexts: Rethinking theoretical frames. Human Relations, 60(1): 179-215.

Langley, A., & Royer, I. 2006. Perspectives on doing case study research in organizations. M@n@gement, 9(3): 81-94.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2006. The power of numbers in strategizing. Strategic Organization, 4(4): 349-377. [***2011 SO!What Award for the best article published in the journal in 2006]

Loisel, P., Falardeau, M., Baril, R., Jose-Durand, M., Langley, A., Sauve, S., & Gervais, J. 2005. The values underlying team decision-making in work rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders. Disability & Rehabilitation, 27(10): 561-569.

Guérard, S. & Langley, A. 2005. Structure et processus dans une « Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux » : des problèmes et un diagnostic?» Revue internationale de cas en gestion, 3(3).

Contandriopoulos, D., Denis, J.-L., & Langley, A. 2004. Defining the ‘public’ in a public healthcare system. Human Relations, 57(12): 1573-1596.

Contandriopoulos, D., Denis, J. L., Langley, A., & Valette, A. 2004. Governance structures and political processes in a public system: lessons from Quebec. Public Administration, 82(3): 627-655.

Comtois, E., Denis, J.-L., & Langley, A. 2004. Rhetorics of Efficiency, Fashion and Politics Hospital Mergers in Quebec. Management Learning, 35(3): 303-320.

Langley, A., Denis, J.-L., & Lamothe, L. 2003. Process research in healthcare: towards three-dimensional learning. Policy & Politics, 31(2): 195-206.

Lozeau, D., Langley, A., & Denis, J. L. 2002. The corruption of managerial techniques by organizations. Human Relations, 55(5): 537-564.

Denis, J.-L., Hébert, Y., Langley, A., Lozeau, D., & Trottier, L.-H. 2002. Explaining diffusion patterns for complex health care innovations. Health Care Management Review, 27(3): 60-73.

Denis, J.-L., Lamothe, L., & Langley, A. 2001. The dynamics of collective leadership and strategic change in pluralistic organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 44(4): 809-837.

Lozeau, D., Denis, J. L., & Langley, A. 2001. La diffusion d’une innovation portant les germes de son plafonnement: la réutilisation des hémodialyseurs au Québec. Canadian Public Administration, 44(3): 292-319.

Jean-Louis, D., & Langley, A. 2000. David Levine et ses hopitaux. Gestion, 24(4): 63-72.

Denis, J. L., Langley, A., & Pineault, M. 2000. Becoming a leader in a complex organization. Journal of Management Studies, 37(8): 1063-1100.

Contandriopoulos, D., Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., Valette, A. 2000. La regionalizzazione dei servizi sanitari: l’analisi dell’esperienza canadese, Management ed economia sanitaria, 33: 111-123.

Sicotte, H., & Langley, A. 2000. Integration mechanisms and R&D project performance. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17(1): 1-37.

Côté, L., Langley, A., & Pasquero, J. 1999. Acquisition strategy and dominant logic in an engineering firm. Journal of Management Studies, 36(7): 919-952.

Langley, A. 1999. Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management Review, 24(4): 691-710.

Langley, A. 1999. Quand tout semble si simple…, Gestion, 23(4): 59-60.

Denis, J. L., Lamothe, L., & Langley, A. 1999. The struggle to implement teaching‐hospital mergers. Canadian Public Administration, 42(3): 285-311.

Sicotte, C., Champagne, F., Contandriopoulos, A., Barnsley, J., Beland, F., Leggat, S., Denis, J., Bilodeau, H., Langley, A., & Brémond, M. 1998. A conceptual framework for the analysis of health care organizations’ performance. Health Services Management Research, 11(1): 24-48.

Langley, A. 1997. Innovativeness in large public systems. Optimum, 27(2): 21-31.

Champagne, F., Langley, A., Denis, J.-L., Contandriopoulos, A., Cazale, L., & Rivard, M. 1997. Resource constraints and strategic change in a public hospital system. Health Services Management Research, 10(3): 146.

Langley, A. 1997. L’étude des processus stratégiques: défis conceptuels et analytiques. Management International, 2(1): 37-50.

Langley, A. 1997. Stratégies d’analyse de données qualitatives, Recherches qualitatives, 17 : 2006-231.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Cazale, L. 1996. Leadership and strategic change under ambiguity. Organization Studies, 17(4): 673-699.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Pineault, M. 1996. Devenir leader dans une organisation complexe. Gestion, 21: 15-24.

Langley, A., Mintzberg, H., Pitcher, P., Posada, E., & Saint-Macary, J. 1995. Opening up decision making: The view from the black stool. Organization Science, 6(3): 260-279.

Denis, M.-L., Langley, A., & Contandriopoulos, A.-P. 1995. La transformation du role des instances regionales dans le systeme de sante au Quebec-Le cas de Montreal-Centre. Revue française d’administration publique, 76(4): 599-608.

Langley, A. 1995. Between» paralysis by analysis» and» extinction by instinct». Sloan Management Review, 36(3): 63-63.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Lozeau, D. 1995. The role and impact of formal strategic planning in public hospitals. Health Services Management Research, 8(2): 86-112.

Harvey, J., & Langley, A. 1995. Applying quality principles in business schools: Potential and limitations. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 12(2): 128-143.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Cazale, L. 1995. Peut-on transformer les anarchies organisées? Leadership et changement radical dans un hôpital. Ruptures, 2(2): 165-189.

Langley, A., & Truax, J. 1994. A process study of new technology adoption in smaller manufacturing firms, Journal of Management Studies, 31(5): 619-652.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Lozeau, D. 1993. The paradoxes of strategic planning in the public sector. Optimum, 24: 31-31.

Lefebvre, L. A., Langley, A., Harvey, J., & Lefebvre, E. 1992. Exploring the Strategy‐Technology Connection in Small Manufacturing Firms. Production and Operations Management, 1(3): 269-285.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Lozeau, D. 1992. Anatomie d’un outil de gestion: la planification stratégique dans les organisations publiques de santé. Sciences Sociales et Santé, 10(1): 93-119.

Langley, A. 1991. Entre la» paralysie par l’analyse» et» l’extinction par l’instinct». Gestion, 17(1) : 6-17.

Langley, A. 1991. Formal analysis and strategic decision making. Omega, 19(2): 79-99.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Lozeau, D. 1991. Formal strategy in public hospitals. Long Range Planning, 24(1): 71-82.

Denis, J., Langley, A., & Lozeau, D. 1991. Strategic Planning in Canadian Hospitals. Canadian Health Care Management, 6(1): PL1-PL11.

Denis, J., Langley, A., Lozeau, D., & Savard, L. 1990. La planification stratégique dans le secteur hospitalier. Administration hospitalière et sociale, 36(4): 19-29.

Langley, A. 1990. Patterns in the use of formal analysis in strategic decisions. Organization Studies, 11(1): 17-45.

Eiselt, H. A., & Langley, A. 1990. Some extensions of domain criteria in decision making under uncertainty. Decision Sciences, 21(1): 138-153.

Langley, A. 1989. In search of rationality: The purposes behind the use of formal analysis in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34(4): 598-631.

Langley, A. 1988. The roles of formal strategic planning. Long Range Planning, 21(3): 40-50.

Hardy, C., Langley, A., Minztberg, H., & Rose, J. 1983. Strategy formation in the university setting. Review of Higher Education, 6: 407-433.

Chapitres de livres/ Book chapters

Langley, A. & McGivern, G. forthcoming. Temporal Structuring and Project Behavior. In L. Ika, J. Pinto & P. Love (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Project Behavior, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Desbiens, G. & Langley, A. 2024. The Micropolitics of Routines and Routine “Improvement,” In C. Mahringer, B. Pentland, B. Renzel, B., K. Sele & P. Spee (Eds.) Research in Sociology of Organizations: Routine Dynamics: A World in Flux, 88: 83-109, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Langley, A. 2023. Approaches to studying continuity and change. In T. Hernes & M. Feuls (Eds.) Towards a Research Agenda for Organizational Continuity and Change, 223-272, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Omanović, V. & Langley, A. 2023. Alternative perspectives on immigrant accommodation to society: Implications for organising, the labour market, and workplace integration. In B. Czarniawska & A. Diedrich (Eds). Organizing Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies, 9-30, New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.

Langley, A. 2021. The accidental methodologist: Reflections on a serendipitous career. In Crook, J. Lê & A. D. Smith (Eds.) Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 27-36, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Langley, A. 2021. Paradox as Irony: Inspirations from Jazz, Linguistics, Mathematics, Poetry and Other Stories. In R. Bednarek, M. P. Cunha, J. Schad & W. Smith (Eds.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations: On Both/and-ing paradox theory: Interdisciplinary dialogues on organizational paradox, 73b:  161-171, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Robinson, M. A., Bérubé, N., & Langley, A. 2020. Leadership and Followership as One: Connecting Leaders in the Military. In J. Zaher, M., Bligh & M. K. Carsten (Eds.) The Connecting Leader: Serving Concurrently as a Leader and a Follower, 221-244, Charlotte, NC: IAP– Information Age Publishing.

Garud, R., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A., Tsoukas, H., Van de Ven, A. & Lê, J. 2020. Process research methods: A conversation among leading scholars. In R. Crook, J. Lê & A. D. Smith (Eds.) Advancing Methodological Thought and Practice: Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 12: 117-132, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Langley, A. 2020. A Conversation with Ann Langley. In P. Barrieu (Ed.) Dialogues around Models and Uncertainty: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, 27-36, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Langley, A., Oliver, D., & Rouleau, L. 2020. Strategy and Identities in Organizations, In A. D. Brown (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Identities in Organizations, 780-800, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Abdallah, C., Lusiani, M. & Langley, A. 2019. Performing process research, In B. Boyd, T.R. Crook, J. Lê & A.D. Smith (Eds.) Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Traditions and Innovations in Research Methodology, 91-113, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Langley, A. & Ravasi, D. 2019. Visual artifacts as tools for analysis and theorizing, In T. Zilber, J. M. Amis, & J. Mair (Eds.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 55: 173-199, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Fachin, F.F. & Langley, A., 2018. Researching organizational concepts processually: The case of identity, In C. Cassell, A. Cunliffe & G. Grandy (Eds.) SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods: 308-327. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Langley, A. 2017. Blind alleys and untold stories in qualitative research, In R. Mir & S. Jain (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies: 465-477. London, UK: Routledge.

Mailhot, C. & Langley, A. 2017. Commercializing academic knowledge in a business school: Orders of worth and value assemblages, In C. Cloutier, J.-P. Gond & B. Leca (Eds.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 52: 241-269. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Sergi, V., Denis, J.-L., & Langley, A. 2016. Beyond the hero-leader: Leadership by collectives, In J. Storey, K. J. Hartley, J.-L. Denis, P.T. Hart & D. Ulrich (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Leadership: 35-51. London, UK: Routledge.

Gibeau, E., Reid, W., & Langley, A. 2016. Co-leadership: contexts, configurations and conditions, In J. Storey, K. J. Hartley, J.-L. Denis, P.T. Hart & D. Ulrich (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Leadership: 225-240. London, UK: Routledge.

Sergi, V., Comeau-Vallée, M., Lusiani, M., Denis, J.-L., & Langley, A. 2016. Plural leadership in healthcare organizations: Forms, potential and challenges, In E. Ferlie, K. Montgomery & A.R. Pedersen (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management: 210-230. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Le Gall, V., & Langley, A. 2015. An abductive approach to investigating trust development in strategic alliances. In F. Lyon, G. Möllering & M.N.K. Saunders (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods on Trust: 36-45. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Langley, A. 2015. The ongoing challenge of developing cumulative knowledge about strategy as practice. In D. Golsorkhi, L. Rouleau, D. Seidl & E. Vaara (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice: 111-127. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Langley, A., & Lusiani, M. 2015. Strategic planning as practice. In D. Golsorkhi, L. Rouleau, D. Seidl & E. Vaara (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice: 555-572. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Empson, L., & Langley, A. 2015. Leadership and professionals. In L. Empson, L., D. Muzio, D., J. Broschak & C.R. Hinings (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms: 163-188, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2014. Oranisations pluralistes. In F. Tannery, J.-P. Denis, T. Hafsi, & A.-C. Martinet (Eds.), Encyclopédie de la stratégie : 883-894. Paris: Vuibert

Langley, A., & Stensaker, I. 2012. Longitudinal research and analysis. In G. Symon, & C. Cassell (Eds.), Qualitative Organizational Research: Core Methods and Current Challenges: 149-167. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Kohn, M.K., Berta, W., Langley, A. & Davis, D. 2012. Evidence-based decision making in health care settings: From theory to practice. In J.-D. Blair & M. Fottler (Eds.), Biennial Review of Health Care Management (Vol. 11, Advances in Health Care Management): 215-234. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

Langley, A., Golden-Biddle, K., Reay, T. & Denis, J.-L. 2011. Managing and sustaining change. In Denis, J.-L. & Sullivan, T. (Eds.), Building Better Health Care Leadership in Canada: 84-104, McGill-Queens University Press.

Langley, A. & Sloan, P. 2011. Organizational change and dialectic processes. In Boje, D., Burnes, B. & Hassard, J. (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Organizational Change: 261-275, London, UK: Routledge.

Langley, A., & Abdallah, C. 2011. Templates and turns in qualitative studies of strategy and management. In D. Bergh, & D. Ketchen (Eds.), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol. 6: 201-235. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Group.

Denis, J.-L., Kisfalvi, V., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2011. Perspectives on strategic leadership. In A. Bryson, D. Collinson, M. Uhl-Bien, & K. Grint (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Leadership: 71-85. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. 2010. Introducing perspectives on process organization studies. In T. Hernes, & S. Maitlis (Eds.), Process, sensemaking, and organizing, Vol. 1, Perspectives on Process Organization Studies: 1-26. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Denis, J.L., Lamothe, L., Langley, A. 2010. The Dynamics of Collective Leadership and Strategic Change in Pluralistic Organizations. In Currie, G. & Kitchener, M. (Eds.). Organizing Health Services, London: Sage Publications, 2010.

Langley, A. 2010. The challenge of developing cumulative knowledge about strategy as practice. In D. Golsorkhi, L. Rouleau, D. Seidl, & E. Vaara (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, 91-106. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Langley, A. 2009. Processual case research. In Mlles, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Sage Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research, Vol. 2, 736-740. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Langley, A. 2009. Temporal Bracketing. In Mlles, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Sage Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research, Vol. 2, 919-921. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Langley, A. 2009. Studying processes in and around organizations. In D. Buchanan, & A. Bryman (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Organizational Research Methods: 409-429. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Rouleau, L. 2008. Repenser le leadership au sein d’organisations publiques. In Mazouz, B. (Ed.), Le métier de gestionnaire public à l’aube de la gestion par résultats: 207-236. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Denis, J.-L., Lamothe, L., Langley, A. & Guérard, S. 2008. Réforme et gouvernance en santé : l’attrait pour une managérialisation de l’action publique, Réformes en santé et en justice: 51-68. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.

Royer, I., & Langley, A. 2007. Linking Rationality, Politics and Routines in Organizational Decision Making. Part III. In W. Starbuck, & G. Hodgkinson (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Organizational Decision Making: 250-270. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Langley, A. 2008. Process research. In Thorpe, R. & Holt R. (Eds.), Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research: 173-176. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Denis, J.-L., Lamothe, L. & Langley, A. 2006. Reforming health care: Levers and catalysts for change. In Casebeer, A., Harrison, A., Mark, A.L. (Eds.), Innovations in Health Care: A Reality Check: 3-16. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Langley, A. & Denis, J.-L. 2006. Neglected dimensions of organizational change: Towards a situated view. In Lines, R., Stensaker, I. & Langley, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Change and Learning: 136-161. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

Contandriopoulos, D., Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Valette, A. 2005. Régionaliser pour restructurer au Québec. In Contrandriopoulos, D., Contandriopoulos, A., Denis, J.-L. & Valette, A. (Eds.), L’hôpital en restructuration: 59-80. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Carlier, P., Denis, J.-L., Lamothe, L. & Langley, A. 2005. Le rôle du dirigeant dans le pilotage de la restructuration hospitalière. In Contrandriopoulos, D., Contandriopoulos, A., Denis, J.-L. & Valette, A. (Eds.), L’hôpital en restructuration: 107-118. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A., & Rouleau, L. 2005. Rethinking leadership in public organizations. In E. Ferlie, L. Lynn, & C. Pollitt (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Public Management: 446-467.

Baker, G. R., Ginsburg, L., & Langley, A. 2004. An organizational science perspective on information, knowledge, evidence and organizational decision-making. In F. Champagne, & L. Lemieux-Charles (Eds.), Using Knowledge and Evidence in Health Care: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Health Care: 86-114.

Rodríguez, C., Langley, A., Béland, F., & Denis, J.-L. 2003. Managing across boundaries in health care: The forces for change and inertia. In N. Paulsen, & T. Hernes (Eds.), Managing Boundaries in Organizations: Multiple Perspectives: 147-168. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Contandriopoulos, D., Denis, J.-L & Langley, A. 2001. What Structures Health Care Reforms? A comparative Analysis of British and Canadian Experiences. In Tavakoli, M., Davies, H.T.O. & Malek, M. (Eds.), Health Policy and Economics: Strategic Issues in Health Care Management: 219-236. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Denis, J-L, Lamothe, L. & Langley, A. 2000. Fusions et confusions. In Côté, R. (Ed.), Québec 2001: 334-340. Montréal: Édition Fides.

Denis, J. L., Lamothe, L., Langley, A., & Valette, A. 1999. The struggle to redefine boundaries in health care systems. In B. D., P. M., & H. C.R. (Eds.), Restructuring the Professional Organization: 105-130. London, UK: Routledge.

Langley, A. 1998. In search of rationality: The purposes behind the use of formal analysis in organizations. In Van Maanen, J. (Ed.), Qualitative Research on Organizations: 51-90. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998, (51-90). Reprinting of an article published in Administrative Science Quarterly 34(4): 598-631.

Denis, J-L., Fleury, M.-J., Champagne, F., Contandriopoulos, A-P, Langley, A., Pineault, R. & Sicotte, C. 1996. La planification et le changement: Analyse de l’expérience des PROS dans le système de santé au Québec. In Nguyen, H., Tremblay, M. et Turgeon, J. (Eds.), La planification régionale des services sociaux et de santé: 41-50. Publications du Québec, Gouvernement du Québec.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Lozeau, D. 1994. Setting priorities in public hospitals: The paradoxes of strategic planning. In Malek, M. (Ed.), Setting Priorities in Health Care: 187-202. Chichester,U.K.: Wiley.

Hardy, C., Langley, A, Mintzberg, H. & Rose, J. 1984. Strategy formation in the university setting. In Bess, J.L. (Ed.), College and University Organization: Insights from the behavioural sciences: 169-210. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Communications publiées/ Proceedings

Bourgoin, A., Laszczuk, A. & Langley, 2020. Legitimacy Work in Organizations: Securing the Existence of a Novel Change Agency Unit. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.191 (published online) [***Rube Chisholm Award Practical Theory Award].

Fachin, Fernando F. & Langley, A. 2015. Organizational Identity Work in an Emerging Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.52 (published on line)

Lusiani, M. & Langley, A. 2013. Professionals as strategists? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.237 (published on line)

Chreim, C.. Langley, A., Reay, T., Comeau-Vallée, M. & Huq, J.-L. 2012. Leadership as boundary management in interprofessional health care teams. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2012.94 (published on line).

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Rouleau, L. 2004. Le défi de la formation des stratégies dans les organisations pluralistes: vers de nouvelles avenues théoriques. Actes de la XIIIe conférence le l’Association internationale de management et stratégie Cédérom.

Lozeau, D., Denis, J-L. & Langley, A. 2001. Mythe d’une controverse et réalité d’un problème : la réutilisation des hémodialyseurs Actes du congrès de l’Association des sciences administratives du Canada, 22(6): 1-11.

Rodriguez, R., Langley, A., Béland, F. & Denis, J.-L. 2000. The Reorientation of Health Care Towards Integrated Delivery in the Montreal Area. In Javor, A., van Eimeren, W. & Duru, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on System Science in Health Care, Budapest, Hungary.

Langley, A. 1999. Learning the research craft by researching research. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference Proceedings, 20(10): 63-71.

Denis, J.-L., Langley, A. & Cazale, L. 1994. Leadership and strategic change under ambiguity. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Omnipress: 203-207.

Langley, A. 1993. Entre la paralysie par l’analyse et l’extinction par l’instinct. In Gosselin, R. (Ed.), Actes du Colloque Jean-Yves Rivard: 11-26, Ottawa: Presses de l’Association des Hôpitaux du Canada.

Harvey, J., Langley, A. & Truax, J. 1993. Understanding technology adoption: The role of survey and field research methods. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference Proceedings, 14(7): 75-85.

Langley, A., Champagne, F., Denis, J.-L., Cazale, L. & Contandriopoulos, A-P. 1992. Gestion et changements stratégiques dans les hôpitaux publics. In Chytil, M.K., Duru, G., van Eimeren, W. & Flagle, C.D. (Eds.), Health Systems – the Challenge of Change: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Systems Science in Health Care: 325-328. Prague: Omnipress.

Langley, A. & Truax, J. 1992. New technology adoption in smaller manufacturing firms: A process study, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference Proceedings, 13(13): 71-80.

Langley, A. 1990. Formal analysis and the strategic decision making process, Eastern Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Buffalo: 208-211.

Denis, J.-L. & Langley, A. 1990. Planification stratégique et formation des stratégies dans les organisations publiques de santé: le cas des hôpitaux canadiens, Actes des premières journées scientifiques de l’Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de soins de santé, Barcelona : 126-130.

Eiselt, H., Langley, A. & Laporte, G. 1990. Domain criteria in decision problems, Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of the South East Region of the Decision Sciences Institute, Columbia, North Carolina: 239-243.

Langley, A. 1987. The use of formal analysis in strategic decision making, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference Proceedings, 8(6): 33-42.

Revues de livres et éditoriaux/ Book reviews and editorials

Langley, A. 2023. Media review: Barbara Simpson and Line Revsbæk (ed.): Doing Process Research in Organizations: Noticing Differently, 2022: Oxford University Press, 2022, Organization Studies, 45(4): 617–620.

Langley, A., Bell, E., Bliese, P., LeBaron, C. & Gruber, M. 2023. From the editors: Opening up AMJ’s research methods repertoire, Academy of Management Journal, 66(3): 711-719.

Alexy, O., Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A., Moschieri, C. & Nigam, A. 2022. SO! Far, SO! Good: Strategic Organization at 20, Strategic Organization, 20(4): 677-682

Langley, A. & Vaara, E. 2021. Communicative perspectives on strategic organization, Strategic Organization, 19(4): 541-552.

Langley, A. 2021. Book review: Thomas B. Lawrence & Nelson Phillips: Constructing Organizational Life: How Social-Symbolic Work Shapes Selves, Organizations, and Institutions, 2019, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Organization Studies, 42(9): 1521–1524.

Langley, A. 2021. Book review: Caleb Everett: Numbers and the Making of Us: Counting and the Course of Human Cultures, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019, Organization Studies, 42(8): 1356-1359.

Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A. Nigam, A., 2021. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 19(1): 3-4.

Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A. & Nigam, A. 2021. Navigating the tensions of quality in qualitative research, Strategic Organization, 19(1): 70-80.

Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A. Nigam, A., 2020. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 18(1): 3-4.

Langley, A. 2019. Préface. In Garreau, L. & Romelaer, P. (Eds.) Méthodes de recherche qualitatives innovantes: 5-7, Paris: Éditions Économica.

Berchicci, L., David, R., Dowell, G., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A. 2019. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 17(1): 3-5.

Berchicci, L., David, R., Dowell, G., Jarzabkowski, P., Langley, A. 2019. Editorial Introduction to Themed Issue: “Paradox, Dialectics and Strategic Organization”. Strategic Organization, 17(1): 6-7.

David, R., Dowell, G., Langley, A., Rowley, T.J. 2018. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 16(1): 3-5.

David, R., Langley, A., Rowley, T.J., Verona, G. 2017. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 15(1): 3-5.

Vermeulen, P.A.M., Zietsma, C., Greenwood, R. & Langley, A.: Strategic responses to institutional complexity (Introduction to the special issue), Strategic Organization, 14(4): 277-286.

David, R., Felin, T., Langley, A., Rowley, A. & Verona, G. 2016. News and announcements from the coeditors. Strategic Organization, 14(1): 3-5.

Coff, R., Felin, T., Langley, A. & Rowley, T.J. 2015. Editorial: More SO! In 2015. Strategic Organization, 13(1): 3-5.

Coff, R., Felin, T., Langley, A. & Rowley, T.J. 2014. Editorial: SO! What’s New in 2014?. Strategic Organization, 12(1): 3-6

Coff, R., Felin, T., Langley, A. & Rowley, T.J. 2013. Editorial: And SO! it goes. Strategic Organization, 11(1): 3-6

Coff, R., Langley, A. & Rowley, T.J. 2012. Meet the new boss(es). Strategic Organization, 10(1): 3-5.

Langley, A. 2011. Préface, In Aubry, M. & Lièvre, P. (Eds.), Gestion de projet et expéditions polaires: Que pouvons-nous apprendre? VII-IX, Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Cloutier, A. & Langley, A. 2011. Book review: Royston Greenwood, Christine Oliver, Kerstin Sahlin and Roy Suddaby (eds.): Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, 2008, London: Sage Publications, 822 pages, Organization Studies, 32(1): 138-143.

Baum, J.A.C., Greenwood, R., P. Jennings, P.D. & Langley, A. 2011. Editorial: All good things, Strategic Organization, 9(1): 5-9

Baum, J.A.C., Greenwood, R., P. Jennings, P.D. & Langley, A. 2010. Editorial: Movin’ on up, Strategic Organization, 8(1): 5-9

Langley, A. 2004. Using questionnaires in qualitative interviews, Invited editorial, Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 9(3).

Langley, A. 2004. Book review: Mason, J. Qualitative researching, London, UK: Sage Publications, Organizational Research Methods, 7(3): 354-356)

Langley, A. 2003. Book review: Bartunek, J. Organizational and Educational Change: The Life and Role of a Change Agent Group, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003, Administrative Science Quarterly, 48(2): 306-308.

Denis, J.-L. & Langley, A. 2002. Introduction to Forum on diffusion and adoption of health care innovations, Health Care Management Review, 27(3): 32-34.

Denis, J.-L. & Langley, A. 2002. Faut-il changer notre façon de changer? Gestion, 27(3): 151-152.

Langley, A. 2000. Book review: McSwite, O.C.: Legitimacy in Public Administration. Sage, 1997, Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(1): 177-180.

Langley, A. 1999. Book review: Walsh, K., Deakin, N., Smith, P., Spurgeon, P. and Thomas, N. Contracting for Change, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1997, Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(4): 824-826.

Langley, A.: Book review: Radford, K.J.: Strategic and Tactical Decisions, Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 1988, INFOR, 28(2): 145-146.